クリスマスケーキ教室を開きました!Christmas Cake Workshop!

We wanted to do something special to celebrate Christmas at the school, so we decided to hold a Christmas cake workshop! 

Our guest instructor was the very talented Ms. Pateko! She taught us all how to make and decorate our very own Christmas cake. She brought a great selection of cute decorations, plus a huge box full of strawberries to use! 

We each made a three-layered cake, filled with fresh whip cream and strawberries. After putting the cake together, it was time to add the toppings!

I was so impressed by the beautiful cakes that everyone made! 

After all the cakes were decorated, everyone enjoyed chatting over hot chocolate. Ms. Pateko brought hot chocolate bombs for us all to enjoy!  I was so surprised to see tiny marshmallows pop out of the hot chocolate bomb when it melted in the warm milk!
ケーキを飾り終わった後で、ホットココアを飲みながら会話を楽しました。パテ子さんは皆さんのためにホットチョコボムも持って来てくれました! 温かいミルクでホットチョコボムを溶かすと、小さなマッシュマロが出てきてびっくりしました!

It was a great event and I can’t wait to do it again next year! Merry Christmas everyone!


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