春巻きとの闘い:ラウンドワン Spring Roll Battle: Round One

Today’s lunch box can be split down the middle, with familiar foods that I’ve made many times on the right, and challenging, never-been-able-to-get-it-right foods on the left. I’ve only made spring rolls from scratch twice before, and I think I burned them both times! Making spring rolls was going to be a challenge, but you know what they say – “a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor” – you can learn a lot from challenging experiences!

I don’t know much about making spring rolls, but from judging from other recipes, I think it is customary to fully cook the filling before wrapping up the rolls. I found this recipe for spring rolls in my first Japanese cookbook, but it says to fill the spring roll wrappers with raw beef and vegetables, rather than cooking the filling first. I didn’t know if it was going to work, but I was willing to give it a try!

I cut up the meat into thin strips and seasoned it with 1 teaspoon each of soy sauce, oyster sauce, sake, and sesame seed oil, plus a little salt and white pepper.

For the vegetables, I cut celery, shiso leaf, ginger and shiitake mushrooms into thin strips, and dusted them with 2 teaspoons of potato starch.

After mixing the meat and the vegetables, I divided the filling into equal portions so that my spring rolls would turn out to be roughly the same size.

Challenge number one: wrapping the spring rolls! I couldn’t remember for the life of me how to wrap spring rolls, so I did a little research on the internet and found this method. If this is the wrong way, please let me know!

First I spread out the wrapper on a cutting board, and placed the filling a little lower than center.

Then I folded the wrapper over the filling once . . .

. . . and folded both sides towards the center. Next I spread a little flour and water paste on the top end, and tried to roll it up as tight as possible. The key word here is “tried”!

These three spring rolls looked okay, but there was also a fourth that was not so pretty!

Challenge number two: deep-frying the spring rolls! Whenever I look at pictures of spring rolls that other people have made, they look so smooth and crisp, but my spring rolls always end up with small bubbles in the wrapping.

I tried deep-frying them on low heat to solve the bubble problem, but I guess the heat was not low enough because they turned out all bubbly like usual!

For the next dish, I had this beautiful cabbage in the fridge . . .

. . . so I decided to make one of the first recipes I ever tried from this book – cabbage marinated in sweet rice vinegar with dried red chili peppers.

After cutting the cabbage and carrot, I tossed them in 1 tablespoon of salt, waited 15 minutes, then squeezed out the excess water.

Next I lightly fried the red chili peppers in 1 tablespoon of oil, added 4 tablespoons of rice vinegar and 5 tablespoons of sugar, then brought the mixture to a boil.

After pouring the hot marinade over the cabbage and carrots, I stirred it and let it cool.

The other day, I received this spinach from a friend and I was really excited to try it in a recipe. I heard that the best tasting spinach has pink-colored roots – if that is true, this must be delicious spinach!

This is a recipe for komatsuna (Japanese mustard greens), but it works just as well with spinach! I usually make karashiae (hot mustard dressing) using only soy sauce and hot mustard, but this recipe includes sugar and sesame seeds as well.

I made a lot in advance, so I’ll keep the dressing and boiled spinach in separate containers until it’s time to make tomorrow’s lunch!

The final touch was the tomato salsa! I have never heard of eating spring rolls with tomato salsa before, but it was actually really good! I mixed diced tomatoes and onions with 1 1/2 tablespoons each of soy sauce and sesame seed oil, 1/4 teaspoon of sugar, 1/8 teaspoon of salt, and a little black pepper. Instead of hot pepper sauce, I added 1/4 teaspoon of red yuzu pepper paste, as well as freshly chopped cilantro for color.

Today’s spring rolls were not perfect, but that is okay! I made some mistakes, but I learned a lot in the process. Today was only round one of the spring roll battle. I’ll be ready for round two when the time comes!