待望のかぼちゃ The Long-Awaited Pumpkin

A few days ago, the pumpkin in my garden was finally ready to be harvested! We dried out seeds from a store-bought pumpkin, and planted them in the garden around April. After a couple of months, a pumpkin appeared! Unfortunately, when I cut it open, I found out that it was not ripe enough. Luckily, there was one more pumpkin left, so I made sure to let it ripen for as long as possible before harvesting it.

This time, I waited until the skin of the pumpkin had turned a dark green, and the vine had completely dried up before harvesting. It took a lot of patience!

Harvesting this pumpkin was a really big event for my family! Even Max was looking forward to the day when we could finally eat this long-awaited pumpkin.

I decided to use this pumpkin to make one of my favorite dishes: pumpkin salad! There are lots of different ways to flavor pumpkin salad, but today I wanted to make a sweet, deli-style pumpkin salad. Here is the recipe:
・ 300 grams of pumpkin
・ 1 to 2 tablespoons of maple syrup (to taste)
・ one big tablespoon of mayonnaise
・ a little less than half a teaspoon of salt (to taste)
・ 30-40 grams of pistachios (You could use almonds or walnuts; any kind of nuts will do!)
・ かぼちゃ 300g
・ メープルシロップ 大さじ1~2(好みで)
・ マヨネーズ 大さじ1強
・ 塩 小さじ1/2弱(好みで)
・ ピスタチオ(アーモンドやくるみなど、ナッツなら何でも大丈夫です!)

I used these delicious pistachios that I received as a gift from a friend! I thought the green and purple color of pistachios would look really pretty mixed into an orange pumpkin salad. Also, I thought slightly salted pistachios would taste good with the sweet flavor of maple syrup.

Rather than use the microwave to cook the pumpkin, I steamed it in a little bit of water for 10 minutes instead.

Next, I drained the water from the pumpkin using a strainer. In order to keep the color of the pumpkin salad a bright orange, I separated the peel from the flesh. After combining the flesh with the rest of the ingredients, I cut the peel into slightly smaller pieces and gently mixed it into the salad. It took a little extra time, but the result was really pretty!

Today’s lunch was pumpkin salad with maple syrup and pistachios; lightly boiled bok choy in ground sesame seed dressing with ginger and myoga (Japanese ginger); rolled omelette with mitsuba (Japanese parsley); and chicken meatballs with lotus root glazed in teriyaki sauce. (Honestly, the most delicious part of today’s lunch was the pumpkin salad!)