ゴールデンウイークを楽しみました!Golden Week Fun!

Did you enjoy your Golden Week holiday? We didn’t travel far this year, but we explored a lot of places close to home that we had never visited before. If I had to choose a theme for Golden Week this year it would be “flowers”! First, we visited an amazing botanical garden on Awajishima Island, which was full of rare and beautiful flowers on display.

There were orchids in all different shapes and colors.

There were also some strange flowers on display that I had never seen or heard of before!

In the Akashi Kaikyo National Government Park, there was this impressive arrangement of flower beds built on the side of a mountain.

A lot of the flower beds were empty, or had just begun to bloom, but the ones that were in full bloom looked spectacular!

There were also paddle boats in the park! My son had never ridden in a paddle boat before, so he was really excited to give it a try. We bumped into a few rocks and bushes at the beginning, but he got the hang of steering the boat pretty quick!

Next we headed over to Awaji Farm Park England Hill. This park is famous for koalas and these tiny blue flowers called Nemophila.

Of course, my son and I wanted to take a picture with this strange figure made out of pots!

My husband and I enjoyed the view of the ocean from the observation deck. After spending a full day walking around two spacious parks, we were absolutely exhausted by the time we got home. But that was only the first day of the three-day holiday!

The next day, we packed our tent and sleeping bags in the car and headed to Ichinomiya Park in Kan-onji City for two days of camping! The campsite is located right next to the beach, so we could enjoy looking at palm trees . . .

. . . and searching for hidden treasure under the sand with our toy metal detector.

After setting up our tent, we headed out for lunch at a new udon noodle shop we have ever been to before called “Kamakiri”, which means “Praying Mantis” in Japanese. The shop owners obviously have a good sense of humor! Not only did the udon look amazing, the hand-cut noodles tasted great too!