韓国の甘辛牛筋の煮込み Sweet, Savory Korean Braised Beef

After making a lot of traditional Japanese dishes for New Year’s, today I thought I would try something a little different. I decided to try making Korean-style braised beef tendon!

One reason I wanted to try making this dish is because of all the interesting ingredients it includes. For example, in this recipe, grated pear is used to season the simmering liquid. Somehow I managed to find a pear in the middle of winter!

I made the seasoning by mixing together 130 grams of grated pear, 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of mirin, 1 1/2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of sake, 1 tablespoon of ground sesame seeds, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, half a tablespoon of grated garlic, 1/2 tablespoon of honey, a little bit of black pepper.

I soaked 600 grams of beef tendon in water for 1 hour, changing the water three times to remove excess blood from the meat. Be very gentle when adding water to the meat, otherwise it will fall apart into little pieces!

Next I cut all the vegetables into bite sized pieces. Besides daikon radish, carrots and shiitake mushrooms, I also added chestnuts, ginkgo nuts, and dates.

The next step was to put the meat into a pot of water, bring it to a boil, then drain the meat and rinse off the scum. After washing out the pot, I simmered the meat in 7 cups of fresh water for one hour.

Next I added all the vegetables and simmered it on low for 20 minutes with a drop lid.

After 20 minutes, I added the seasoning mixture to the pot and stirred to mix.

Once the vegetables had softened, I continued simmering on medium heat until the liquid had reduced and thickened into a sweet and savory sauce.

As a side dish, I made namul with salted zucchini slices and chikuwa fish cake, pan fried in sesame oil with grated garlic, sesame seeds, dried red chili pepper, and a splash of seasoned soy sauce.

I’ve made Japanese-style beef tendon simmered with vegetables before, but this dish had a flavor that was completely new to me, thanks to all the interesting ingredients, like grated pear, honey, chestnuts, ginkgo nuts and dates. I can’t wait to try more Korean dishes in the future!