驚きいっぱいのグラタン A Gratin Full of Surprises

With the weather getting cooler day by day, I find myself craving things like curry, stew, simmered dishes, and especially, gratin. I found an interesting recipe for gratin in my first Japanese cookbook, and as I read over the directions and starting preparing the ingredients, I was reminded of all kinds of things that surprised me about cooking in Japan when I came here from Canada three years ago. I guess you could say that today’s blog is full of surprises!

Surprise #1: Living in Canada, although I was very interested in eating, I was not that interested in cooking, and I knew next to nothing about the seasonality of ingredients. When I came to Japan, however, I learned not only that fruits and vegetables taste best at specific times of the year, but also that eating seasonal foods can actually help your body cope with changes in temperature. For example, eating cucumbers and tomatoes in the summer can help cool your body down, while eating root vegetables, like burdock or lotus root, can warm your body up in the winter. It sounds like common sense, but for me, it was a truly revolutionary idea. Now I understand why this Chinese cabbage we received from a neighbor looks so delicious – it is because my body is craving foods that will warm me up!

I wanted to make something using this Chinese cabbage, so when I found this gratin recipe with Chinese cabbage and salmon, I knew it was just what I was looking for. Reading over the recipe, however, I was a little uncertain! No flour to thicken the sauce? No cheese on top? I had no idea how it was going to turn out, but I was determined to give it a try.

Surprise #2: Usually, Japanese recipes are very precise, with the amount of each ingredient written out in milliliters or grams. For someone like me who is just learning to cook, precise measurements are a must! Occasionally, however, I’ll find a recipe that calls for 1/4 of a daikon radish, or one package of spinach. This would be okay if all daikon radishes were the same size, or all packages of spinach contained the same amount – but that is seldom the case! This gratin recipe is a perfect example: this recipe calls for half of a Chinese cabbage, but I think my Chinese cabbage is at least twice as large as a regular one!

I ended up using only about 3/4 of my Chinese cabbage, leaving the rest for another day! Even so, I was a little worried that all this cabbage was not going to fit in four gratin dishes.

The next step was to cook the cabbage in 2 cups of water flavored with 2 cubes of chicken stock. Which brings us to Surprise #3: Japanese recipes often call for powdered chicken stock or consomme to add flavor to everything from stews to stir fry. Being a little worried about adding chemical flavoring to food, just once I tried buying chicken stock powder that contained no artificial ingredients, but it just didn’t taste the same!  

I added water, chicken stock cubes and cabbage to a pot, put on the lid, and simmered it on low for 20 minutes. 

As you can see, the cabbage shrunk to about 1/4 of its original size!

Next, I cut up three salmon fillets, sprinkled them with salt and waited about 20 minutes before patting them dry with a paper towel. Then I added fresh ground pepper. 

After taking out the cabbage, I brought the liquid to a boil again and added the salmon pieces, simmering them until they were about 80% cooked through. 

I rubbed the inside of 4 gratin dishes with a bit of garlic and butter, then added the cabbage and salmon. In hindsight, I should have tucked the salmon in between the cabbage pieces a little more!

The next step was to add cream to the simmering liquid. Back in Canada, I would avoid butter and cream as much as possible, but now it doesn’t bother me at all, even if a recipe calls for a whole cup of cream. Now that I’ve turned 40, I think I’ve finally realized that life’s too short for popcorn without butter or gratin without cream!

Surprise #4: The sauce for this gratin does not contain flour! I found this very suspicious, but I figured that by mixing the simmering liquid with 200 milliliters of cream, 5 tablespoons of powdered parmesan cheese and an egg yolk, perhaps it would magically thicken in the oven, even without flour. Hmmm, I wonder. . . .

Surprise #5: This gratin is not topped with cheese! My understanding is that gratin is usually topped with grated cheese that turns a beautiful golden color in the oven, but besides the parmesan cheese mixed in the sauce, this recipe does not call for cheese on top. Once again, I was suspicious, but I decided to trust the recipe.  

Surprise #6: In Japan, some microwaves can be used as an oven to bake cakes and cookies, or even roast a turkey (which I tried to do last Christmas)! This was a big shock to me when I first came to Japan, because I was used to the microwave and oven being two separate things. It still amazes me when I pull freshly baked cookies out of the microwave/oven!

Even without cheese, the gratin came out toasty brown on top and the sauce seemed to have solidified somewhat, even without flour. (I found out later that this was not the case!)

Craving something green, I chose this recipe for lightly boiled chrysanthemum greens and pork in a yuzu and soy sauce flavored dressing.

Surprise #7: In Canada, you can pretty much find any fruit or vegetable at the supermarket, regardless of the season, but here in Japan, a lot of ingredients only appear for a few months a year. Yuzu is one of those seasonal ingredients that once winter is over, it completely disappears from the stores, and you have to wait an entire year before you can eat yuzu again. That is why it’s important to fully enjoy seasonal fruits and vegetables while they last!

This was the perfect accompaniment to a rich, creamy gratin! It was also super easy to make: I boiled the chrysanthemum greens for about 30 seconds, put them in cool water to maintain their bright color, and squeezed out the excess water. Then I boiled thin strips of pork until they were no longer pink, and rinsed them in cold water too. The dressing was a mixture of 1 1/2 tablespoons each of yuzu juice and soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of dashi broth and some thin slices of yuzu peel as a garnish. 


While the gratin sauce looked like it had thickened on the surface, I found out that it hadn’t thickened at all, and was actually more like a cream soup than a cream sauce! To tell you the truth, I kind of liked it that way! It didn’t taste heavy at all, and I probably could have eaten two servings without feeling full. I didn’t miss the flour-thickened sauce too much, but I did miss the cheese on top! The next day, I sprinkled on some shredded cheese and toasted it in the toaster oven. It was not as pretty to look at, but it tasted even better! 

I am not sure when winter officially begins in Japan, but in Canada, as soon as Halloween is over, Christmas preparations begin and all of a sudden it starts feeling like winter. Before I start diving into the winter recipes though, I’ll have to make sure I get my fill of fall ingredients while they are still available!


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