息子とポケモンバトルをしました!Pokemon Battle with My Son

When we have free time, my 13 year-old son and I love playing the Pokemon card game. He has been playing since he was 7 years old, and even after all these years, he still enjoys playing it. He is a very good player, and when we play together, he usually wins no matter how hard I try!

Today, rather than play with regular Pokemon cards, we played with a set of cards that my son made himself! My son found a website where you can create your own Pokemon cards. After you upload a picture onto a card template, you can change the information on the card, like the Pokemon’s name and abilities. Because you can upload any picture you like, you can even turn your family and friends into Pokemon and make original cards for them!

My son made some Pokemon cards with characters from one of his favorite movies.

He also turned himself into a Pokemon card! This is “School Max” and “Cat Max”.

We mixed my son’s homemade cards in with regular Pokemon cards to make two decks, then we had a Pokemon battle!

We played using the same rules as the regular Pokemon card game, but instead of Pikachu and Charmander, we battled with “Plushie Master Max” and “Spider Max”.

It was a very close game, but in the end, I somehow managed to win! We were both very surprised!

When my son lost the game, he looked quite shocked! He even made an original “Sad Max” card to commemorate our battle.

He may seem sad now, but because it is extremely rare for me to win, I am positive that my son will come up with all kinds of new strategies and beat me in our next battle for sure!